When I was younger, I experienced some notable energetic intrusions into my personal space. I usually found these events to be disturbing and unsettling. It didn’t occur to me then that there might be permission in my space that allowed this sort of thing to...

Most of us find it easier to catalog the things we’ve messed up than to validate our positive qualities and successes. But all the missteps and miscues in life don’t make you a bad person. They make you a human person. Underneath all this contempt...

“It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.” -Mark Twain Science fiction is an underrated genre. Morality and myth, blended with speculative technologies, can create wonders, monsters and hypothetical futures that are mind-expanding...

“You must live in the present. Launch yourself on every wave.  Find your eternity in each moment.” – Thoreau Sometimes we hold on to painful recollections that seem to keep us mired in regret. It’s easy to condemn oneself for this – the Groundhog’s Day of pain...